18 May 2020

Announcement of a competition to place a state educational order for pre-school education and training in accordance with the order of the Minister of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 122 dated 29.01.2016.

Organizer of the competition: state institution "Department of education of the city of Uralsk", Uralsk, PR. Nursultan Nazarbayev, 145 tel. 51-35-09, BIC KKMFKZ2A, IIC KZ7070103KSN2718000 RSU "Treasury Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan", Code GU 464 BIN 950140000802

Representative of the organizer of the competition-Paidina B. sh – - acting head of the Department of education of Uralsk, state institution "Department of education of Uralsk", Uralsk, PR. Nursultan Nazarbayev, 145 tel. 51-35-09


To place a state educational order for preschool education and training, the Department of education of the city of Republican significance, the capital, the Department of education of the city (district) holds a competition.

Determination of places for placement of the state educational order for preschool education and training

GU "Department of education of the city of Uralsk" for the functioning of 843 new places introduced by the state educational order in the amount of funding per pupil worth 28350 tenge.


To participate in the competition, private organizations must submit the following documents:
1) application addressed to the Chairman of the Commission in the form according to Annex 1 to these Rules;

2) a certificate or copy of certificate of state registration (re-registration) of legal entity or individual entrepreneur, the Charter of preschool institutions, a certificate from Bank about absence of indebtedness, certificate from tax authority about absence of debts with date not earlier than one month before the submission date;

3) a copy of the title documents for real estate (own or leased) used for the organization of preschool education and training;

4) copy of sanitary-epidemiological conclusions on the compliance of the preschool organizations of sanitary-epidemiological requirements in accordance with Annex 1 of the Standard of the state service "issue of the sanitary-epidemiological conclusions about conformity (discrepancy) of the object high epidemiological significance of normative legal acts in the sphere of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of population and hygienic standards", approved by order of the acting Ministry of health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 28, 2017 No. 217 "on approval of standards of public services in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population" (registered in the Register of state registration of normative legal acts under No. 15217);

5) a copy of the license for a medical office or a service agreement with a polyclinic, taking into account the place of attachment;

6) the supplier's obligations to accept children under the state educational order exclusively in the direction of the departments of education of the city of Republican significance, the capital, the departments of education of cities (districts) with the established amount of parental payment for food, in accordance with the Law. The supplier fills out the form of obligations in accordance with Annex 2 of these Rules;

7) copies of teachers ' documents on state-standard education with pedagogical or professional education.


Requirements for submitting an application to participate in the competition

The application for participation in the competition is submitted by the potential supplier to the organizer of the competition in an envelope, stitched, with numbered pages, and the last page is certified with his signature and seal. The bid must not contain any inserts between lines, subtypes or attributions, except in cases where the potential supplier needs to correct grammatical or arithmetic errors. The potential supplier seals the application for participation in the competition in an envelope, on the front side of which the full name and postal address of the potential supplier, the full name and postal address of the organizer of the competition must be indicated. The application for participation in the competition must be made and submitted in the state and (or) Russian languages.

The sealed envelope must be handed in at 15 KAB. Department of education of the city of Uralsk. Opening of envelopes: 03.02.2020 at 10 am.

For more information, please call: 8 (7112) 933472 website: bilim-oral.gov.kz.

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